To provide an age appropriate environment where children ages 0 – 12 can learn the foundational truths about God and how they fit into His plan on earth. We seek to work with parents to nurture their child’s faith so that the influences of the Church and Home can have greater, lasting……..

Emerge Youth Church (EYC) is the youth arm of Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI). EYC has been the launch pad for the well-known Youth Alive Conference, Christian Youth Talent Jam, Burnout & IRise Business & Leadership Seminar, just to name a few. EYC meets every…….

The Change Agents’ Ministry is a millennial focused ministry recognizing the importance of millennials to the future of Bahamas Faith Ministries International and by extension, all spheres of society i.e., business, education, culture, politics, finance, sports, and national development, among others.

To build a strong force of women leaders who will maximize their true potential through the discovery of their individual purpose and find their place in the Body of Christ.

Males discovering, living and teaching the dominion that God intends, and the Kingdom of God provides.

To groom unmarried people to become separate, unique and whole individuals who live a lifestyle in direct contrast to the world’s concept of what the single person is.

KBEN is a virtual hub of mutual benefit, for business to business exchange of knowledge, support and accountability within the kingdom business community.

KFit is a program of Health & Wellness based on kingdom principles designed for Bahamas Faith Ministries (BFM) global family.