Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) is a global organization that serves to restore a sense of divine identity, heritage, purpose, potential and destiny to every individual.

The ministry was founded by the Late Dr. Myles Munroe who was the visionary and first senior pastor of Bahamas Faith Ministries Fellowship and president of Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) non profit  corporation. The Late Dr. Richard Pinder was also a founding member of Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) and served as the first fellowship pastor and vice president of Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) non-profit corporation.

Third World, developing nations and people everywhere who are products of oppression.

BFMI is committed to establishing a LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION dedicated to setting a PRECEDENT, raising a STANDARD, and producing a MODEL of excellence in personal, community and national leadership based on Kingdom values.

The Organizational Structure of BFMI
Three Major Constituents:
  1. BFMI Church Fellowship Divisions & Ministry Departments
  2. BFMI Non Profit Corporation
  3. BFMI Enterprise, Companies, Corporate Divisions & Departments
BFMI Enterprise Constituency
Three Companies:
  1. The Diplomat Development Company
  2. The Diplomat Center for Education
  3. BFMI USA Inc

Acts 26:17-18: “I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus Christ.” –NIV


Hosea 4:6-7: “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.” –NIV


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